Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

It’s terrifying when someone tells you about manifestation and the law of attraction. When I first began, I worried that every little thing I thought would manifest. All of my anxiety would cause the most horrible of situations to encompass what could’ve been a great life. I didn’t realize two things:

  1. That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
  2. I gave away 100% of my power because of my perspective

So let’s start off with the question, how does law of attraction or manifestation really work? Take a deep breath, let it fill you with relief because it takes more than one or two thoughts to actually manifest something in your life. Hell, it takes A LOT more than a handful of thoughts to manifest something in your life. So you can sleep, hopefully, a little easier knowing that those crazy intrusive thoughts you get stuck with for a bit won’t be what shows up in the future.

Let’s say Jane want to manifest a new job, the current one doesn’t fulfill her needs for whatever reason. This is a common situation that you’ll experience but it honestly applies to nearly every situation. She searches online, or talks to friends about job spells, buys all the ingredients or pulls them from shelves. She waits for the right time, or she wings it because that’s her path. Either way, she casts the spell, her intent is out there in the universe.

Jane goes to work the next day filled with hope, that the next job she applies for will be offered to her without effort and it will provide for her financially. But then her boss is a jerk and she remembers why she hated this job in the first place. It ruins her whole day and while she applies to jobs there is a desperation behind them. Silently screaming, “Please get me out of here!” 

The next day she tries to let it go, “today is a new day”, she says to herself. She walks in with her head held high, feeling that soon this will be a memory and she will be out. She stops to say hi to a co-worker and they mention her boss, bringing up the day before and she thinks, “I can’t wait to be out of here”. 

Do you see where Jane can go wrong on her current path? At nearly every step she focuses on what she doesn’t have, a good job with a good boss. That negative situation hasn’t led to showing her what she would like in a job, at this point it seems that Jane would take anything so long as it get’s her out of where she is. There has been no lesson learned, no broader perspective considered. Act’s based in desperation and fear will only result in manifesting the same.

So while taking the step to preform a job spell and putting the intent to get a better position is helpful, focusing on the job she hates is not, it actually keeps her tied to what she doesn’t want. These are things that everyone does, it took me more than a decade to learn on my own what a detriment I was being to my future and to my power. Let’s now look at Jane’s under a different perspective.

Jane want to manifest a new job, the current one doesn’t fulfill her needs for whatever reason. She looks at what jobs she has done in the past and picks out what she loves from each job. Then she picks attributes and builds the best boss she can think of who is supportive and challenges her to be better. 

Jane goes to work the next day filled with hope, that the next job she applies for will be offered to her without effort and it will be the perfect fit. Then her boss is a jerk and she remembers why she hated this job in the first place. But she doesn’t let his words affect her. She knows that she was given an uncomfortable job to motivate her to align with better suited opportunities. 

So she chooses to find a broader perspective on the situation and finds that her boss triggers a feeling of inadequacy. She goes deeper into that triggered emotion and asks to see the initial moment she felt that way, not by her boss but for the first time ever. 

She is shown herself as a child. Her room is somewhat messy, the toys and games look as if they had been put away but by a child who isn’t looking to make sure everything is linked up and perfect. Her child self runs to tell her father, pleads with him to come look at what a great job she has done. When her father inspects the room he unleashes a list of things he considers wrong.

Coming back from the memory, Jane realizes that her current bosses behavior effects her so much because it reminds her of her father, because their attitudes and actions were so similar. The next day she lets it go, “today is a new day”, she says to herself. She walks in with her head held high, feeling that soon this will be a memory and she will be out. She stops to say hi to a co-worker and they mention her boss, bringing up the day before and this time Jane doesn’t feel sucked in by it. 

Her bosses actions don’t have the same effect they once did because it’s not about him treating her bad. She knows that this all came to be so that she could heal her past and through that healing, manifest a better future based in love. She feels powerful because her actions come from knowledge that only a broader perspective can give her.

Same woman but two very different ways to handle the same situation. If Jane continues down the path we looked at first, focusing on what she doesn’t want at every turn, she can only manifest the same regardless of the amount of spells she does. But by attempting to understand why we have come into alignment with a situation we don’t want our perspective can broaden and we can see everything in a new light. Within you is the ability to manifest and come into alignment with what you want, you are the author of your life. This is the power I spoke about earlier, the essence of law of attraction. 

While it is true that the thoughts that you think manifest, there is a difference between thoughts and obsessive thoughts. When I first began practicing and I found out the power my thoughts had to bring what I thought into my reality I was terrified. I have anxiety and at the time really bad depression. I didn’t want those intrusive thoughts to be manifested all over the place, all over my life. 

I didn’t learn until much later that it’s all about energy and the amount we give to something. Say a thought pops into your head, maybe a reminder of a negative situation you experienced with your boss the day before. Do you allow it to come in and out of your head like a stranger you’ve met on the street? Or do you invite it in for tea and rehash what has already become your past? 

It’s one thing to analyze your emotions and triggers to find new places that need healing. Quite another one to dwell within the situation, never taking a lesson learned with us. Regardless of what we do, we give energy to it and it becomes our vibration. When our energy has vibrated at this new frequency long enough it adopts that frequency and we become a match to people and situations that are in alignment with what we have been focusing on. 

This is not the same as positive focus, I am not telling you to simply focus only on the good. That would lead you down a dangerous road of denying anything but the positive because anything else was bad and serves no purpose. Quite the opposite. I am asking that you sit for a time with those uncomfortable emotions, learn the lessons they have come to impart but do not let them spend the night. Meaning, once you have found what the situation has come to reveal to you, thank it and move on.

Many times we are shown what we do not want to properly define what we do want to manifest in our lives. So an uncomfortable situation like the one we looked at above with Jane’s boss could really be there to show her what kind of life she really does want so that she can manifest it. From this perspective these situations are beneficial, like little manifestation sign post’s, keeping us on track to live our best life.

Sometimes we are put in situations to heal trauma experienced in an earlier time of our lives. Often, these points in our lives are ones in which we did not feel safe enough to be as we were, we had to change in some way and deny an aspect of ourselves. This happens if a child is deemed too talkative in a parents eyes, they will push that overly social part of themselves away. Adopting a shy, introverted persona. 

Because as children we are dependent upon our parents for love we deny a great many things to win their favor and it is only as we become older and feel safe enough to return back to that trauma that we can heal. So our unconscious mind sends us triggers, situations that make us feel emotions tied to these earlier points in our history where we became fractured.

When I started viewing things from this perspective I began to work and incorporate those broken aspects back into myself. Like a broken pot put back together with gold, I wasn’t the same but I was a whole work of art, realizing the power I had inside of me and ready to see where my journey would lead me next. We hope that you can take from this what serves you, leave what doesn’t and as always, have a blessed journey.

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